AyineKhane Project    |    Interior Design

Located in Isfahan, Ayine Khane st., Pasargad Complex.

~180 m2


Designed by: Samira Khademolqorani

Implemented by: Vahid Kazemian

This project was designed in 2016 and its implementation was completed in 2017. Considering the location of the neighborhood, our main project concept was based on mirrors, and the mirror house was formed with plates of carved Turkish mirrors, German crystal glass sheets, stones, etc.


Floor covering: Calcutta Totem quartz

Wall covering: Jotan color

Kitchen cabinet: German crystal glass black sheet and Italy Mick gold sheet

Cabinet table top: glossy black totem quartz

Cupboards: German poly glass gray sheet

Showcases: German poly glass beige sheet

The inner body of the wardrobe and cabinets: black and gray sheets of Turkish AGT

Service coverage: 120 x 240 cm Indian slab ceramics

Show cases: German poly glass beige sheet

The inner body of the wardrobe and cabinets: black and gray sheets of Turkish brand A-G-T

Service coverage: 120 x 240 cm Indian slab ceramics